AEV is the first Philippine Signatory to the Task Force on Climate Financial Disclosure, and we are committed to align our disclosures to its framework as it would provide the company better information and preparedness to the impacts of climate-related scenarios in the business.


The company aligned its governance on climate-related risks and opportunities starting with the inclusion of responsibilities in the Environment, Social and Corporate Governance Board Committee to provide oversight and guidance to the group’s policy and activities.

Risk Management

Integration of climate-related risks and opportunities in our Enterprise Risk Management System through risk assessments and operational risk management planning.


Assessment of potential impacts of physical and transition risks, and opportunities of three scenarios (1.5, 2, and 3 degree scenarios) on the organization’s business strategy and financial planning.

Metrics & Targets

The company has been disclosing its Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions consolidated from its strategic business unit. The company employs emissions management, and continuously improves its processes to adapt to low emissions technologies.

Disclosure of metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate-related risks and opportunities where such information is material.*

*In our first year, we are currently undergoing the strategy and risk assessment process; material disclosures on metrics and targets shall be included in the succeeding reports and disclosures.


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