The information in this microsite contains information from our most recent Annual Integrated Report.
GRI Standards
Aboitiz Equity Ventures Inc. has reported in accordance with GRI Standard for the period from January 1, 2022 to December 31 2022. We provide a summary of how we developed this report, determining material topics and reporting disclosures using GRI Material Topics 2021 and GRI Topic Standards for each material topic , as well as our GRI Content index to help readers locate specific information about our policies, programs, and performance.
Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosure
Aboitiz Equity Ventures (AEV) is the first Philippine signatory to the Task Force on Climate- related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). We are committed to aligning our disclosures to its framework that will provide the company with better information and preparedness towards the impacts of climate-related business scenarios.
UNGC Communication on Progress
Our Communication on Progress sets out key information, including the following requirements:
The company is also one of the participants to the enhanced CoP Early Adopter Program, wherein we provide information on our progress through the new CoP Digital Platform.
To define the content of this sustainability report, we follow these reporting principles:
The reporting scope of our Annual Integarted Report considers the level of operational control and influence that the holding company has on its business subsidiaries. The scope is different from the consolidation and scoping of our Annual Audited Financial Statements for reference please see our 2022 20-IS Report.
We worked closely with our Environmental, Social, and Governance Technical Working Group and their respective sustainability stewards in business units across the region where we operate, using a standardized data collection and monitoring process. The business units covered in this report are:
*The business unit is not included in the presentation of quantitative sustainability data. **Legal and Financial Reports are included in the parent company AboitizLand. However, since operational management is done by Aboitiz InfraCapital, Operations Data such as Environment and Social Data is included under Aboitiz Infracapital.
Note on forward-looking statements
The OneAboitiz Sustainability Microsite may feature “forward-looking” statements describing AEV’s objectives, achievements and outlooks, projections, and expectations. Actual results may differ from the statements expressed or suggested in the report.
Important factors that could impact the company’s operations include, among others, economic conditions affecting demand or supply dynamics, price conditions in markets where the company operates, changes in government regulations, tax laws, and other statutes and incidental factors.