Welcoming the new year with a burst of life, Aboitiz Cleanergy Park, located in Sitio Punta Dumalag, Matina Aplaya, Davao City, celebrates the successful hatching of sea turtle eggs and the release of their tiny inhabitants.
The journey began in late 2023 when the eighth nest was discovered on October 30. Concerned about the potential harm from seawater, which could adversely affect the eggs, the conservation team swiftly transferred them to a secure hatchery. After more than 60 days of careful incubation, 159 out of the 171 transferred eggs were successfully hatched.
Only around 1 in 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings survive to adulthood as they face numerous dangers including marine plastic pollution. The ceremonial releasing of hatchlings at Aboitiz Cleanergy Park last January 3, 2024, aims to raise awareness of the importance of environmental conservation and preservation especially in areas such as the Park which is a nesting ground for the critically endangered hawksbill sea turtle.
In a heartwarming initiative, Davao Light and Power Co. Inc. (Davao Light), alongside partners such as PEACE 911 of the Davao City Mayor’s Office, Vice Mayor’s Office, House of Hope Foundation for Kids with Cancer, Inc., Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) XI – Davao City Jail-Annex, Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Station Island Garden City of Samal (IGACOS), Department of Education Region XI, Junior Chamber International (JCI) Davao, and members of the Davao media, conducted the release of these precious hatchlings on January 3 and 4, 2024.
Six additional nests within the Park are anticipated to hatch between January and March, with the most recent clutch laid on January 10, 2024.
Since its establishment in 2014, Aboitiz Cleanergy Park has witnessed the release of 8,461 pawikan hatchlings from 79 nests. This ceremonial release serves as a vital platform for raising awareness about environmental conservation, particularly in a locale as crucial as our park, a nesting haven for the critically endangered hawksbill sea turtle.
The World Wildlife Fund reports that only 1 in 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings survive to adulthood. Growing into maturity, these turtles confront numerous threats, including dehydration, predators like birds and crabs, and the menace of marine plastic pollution. Consequently, conservation measures such as mangrove tree planting, coastal cleanup, and efficient waste management become pivotal.
Managed by Davao Light and Aboitiz Foundation, Inc., this eight-hectare ecological preserve and biodiversity conservation site also serves as Davao City’s Pawikan Rescue Center facility, a collaborative venture with the Davao City LGU and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region XI. The park stands as a commitment to preserving our environment, featuring a mangrove forest and hosting 106 species of endemic and migratory birds, as well as diverse marine life.